What to Do When Notarizing Office Lease Contract
Nowadays, the form of leasing space for office use is very popular. Before each rental transaction, both parties will agree on the terms and record them in the office lease contract. To ensure that the terms specified in the contract are certainly implemented, notarization is extremely necessary. What is the notarization of the Office lease contract? In daily life, we often hear about notarization a lot. So what exactly is notarization? According to the Law on Notarization issued in 2014, notarization is defined as follows: Notarization is certifying the authenticity, legality, and non-violation of social ethics of a written contract or civil transaction. The notarization process will take place when an agency or organization voluntarily requests notarization This procedure can only be carried out by competent authorities. Usually notary office or a notary office. Notarization of a contract confirms the legal validity of the terms. Accordingly, the commitments and agreements of t...